Genesis Full Life Fellowship Special Announcements!!
March 15, 2021 Update
Greetings to All,
Genesis Full Life Fellowship Church is aware of Governor Abbott’s Executive Order (GA-34), announced March 2, 2021 that permits the full opening of Texas businesses, and the lifting of his required face covering mandate in most Texas Counties.
However, as a ministry with a composite of all ages, health conditions, the present and real threat of the contraction and transmission of the Covid-19 virus, and out of prudence and care for all who attend our services, we will continue to require the wearing of face covering for all sponsored church activities until further notice.
As our previous posture has been regarding outdoors activities on Church grounds, face covering options will be evaluated on an event by event basis.
We realize wearing of face covering has been and still is a contentious personal issue and we are sensitive to convictions on both sides of this matter. However, we ask for your support and consideration as we seek to safeguard the health of all who come on our church campus and partake of our services. May God bless and keep all of you.
Douglass Thompson, Senior Pastor
April 28, 2020 Update
To God’s Beloved People,
Governor Abbott announced on Monday, April 27th, a plan to begin reopening Texas in phases. The first phase allows twenty–five (25) percent occupancy for certain businesses, continued social distancing, and hand washing protocol. Stay at home orders and wearing of masks in public will expire on April 30th. Although not mandated, it is encouraged for all to continue to wear face masks. We appreciate the loosening of these restrictions; however, after consulting God and sampling opinions in our community when to reopen our church, when ALL can safely regather without
number restrictions, and other phased protocol, we will extend our no in–person services until May 31, 2020. We will reevaluate conditions at that time and advise.
We will continue to present digital services regimen until further notice.
Blessings to all,
Douglass Thompson, Pastor
March 26, 2020 Update
Greetings Genesis Community Members & Guests,
Based on the new “Stay Home, Work Safe” executive order put out by the city of San Antonio and Bexar county effect starting 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, March 24 and will remain in effect until April 9 unless extended which direct residents to shelter at home with the exception of crucial errands and job duties, restricts public gatherings to no more than 10 with social distancing of 6 feet, and stipulates Worship services can only be provided through video or other remote measures, our compliance will further extend shutdown of services until April 9, 2020.
This means we are temporarily suspending all our worship and prayer services, Bible studies, events, meetings and community gatherings out of public health concerns and compliance with all state and local decrees.
Digital Services
All offered services in the interim will be via live streaming, YouTube postings, or video conferencing. Instructions will be given on how to access all of these services by One Call Now, Facebook and our website. Please stay tuned!
Financial Giving
All are asked to continue to be good financial stewards of God’s resources by giving using these means: Online @, or by Mail to Genesis Full Life Fellowship Church, 15549 Toepperwein Road, San Antonio, Texas 78233, Attention: Finance. Thanks in advance for your faithfulness and diligence.
Information Updates
Please check our Genesis Facebook and One Call Now also for information updates. Please direct any questions to the office staff at (210) 655-8300 or email ask our community to continue to pray and “Storm the Throne”.
Brother Douglass Thompson
March 14, 2020 Update
Greetings Genesis Community Members & Guests,
Based on the spread of the corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic and the call to limit exposure through large gatherings, the following cancellations will be in effect immediately until March 15 – March 29, 2020. We are temporarily suspending all our worship and prayer services, Bible studies, events, meetings and community gatherings, due to concerns for health and safety. With God guidance, our leaders have decided the best way to help alleviate the spread of Covid-19, is to momentarily pause our gathering in the typical ways. As information is distributed our website will be updated, as well as our Genesis Facebook page. We may also use One Call Now for information updates. Please direct any questions to the office staff at (210) 655-8300 or email For official information on COVID-19 please visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website:
We ask our community to continue to pray and “Storm the Throne”.
Brother Douglass Thompson